
The entire content of this website, including texts, graphics, images, sounds and any other information, is the property of PIET Indústria e Comércio de Roupas Ltda., which holds the copyright over it. Copyright protection of the aforementioned content extends to all reproductions or copies obtained from this website. No content may be modified, transmitted, reproduced, published, licensed, transferred or sold without the prior written consent of its owner.


The information available on the website may occasionally contain typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions related to product descriptions, prices and availability. Respecting consumer rights and its customer relationship policy, PIET reserves the right to correct any errors and omissions at any time and without prior communication. Consequently, PIET does not guarantee that the information obtained through this website is, at all times, accurate, complete or even updated.


PIET is not obliged to have, in all its sales channels (stores, catalogs and online sales), all items in its line, so that some products available in PIET catalogs and/or in stores may not be necessarily be available for online purchases and vice versa.

The customer must always make sure the product is available for online purchase. PIET may advertise products on this website for illustrative purposes only, not making them available for sale.

The prices of products offered by PIET on this website are expressed in reais and are only valid for purchases within the national territory.

The prices of products offered on this website are not necessarily related and/or equivalent to the prices of identical products offered in multi-brand stores.

The images on this website may vary in color, due to the specific resolutions of each equipment and the hues available in this environment. When presenting products, PIET will always make every effort to ensure their original colors appear. Possible differences, therefore, may occur, without this representing a defect or bad information.


PIET, when advertising its partners, does so on an exclusively informative basis. In this sense, it assumes no responsibility for their information and actions and, consequently, for any damage caused by them to users.

1.5. PIET's responsibility

PIET will make every effort to offer safe, practical and comfortable navigation on this website. However, PIET is not responsible for any damage caused to the user and/or their equipment, resulting from virus attacks and/or invasions, occurring during use, as it is not responsible for the security of connections.